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South-Uonuma Koshihikari


South-Uonuma Koshihikari

Greatest Japanese rice that every Japanese knows the best Rice from "South-UONUMA", Niigata(新潟 南魚沼). Special natural cultivate way and clean environment makes such a Jewel rice like "Pearl". We proudly provide you with Tawaraya premium quality. Produced by Okubo Farm, South-Uonuma ※Pre-Organic rice 
Taste★★★★★   Aroma★★★★★   Sticky★★★★

2kg S$31  
 5kg  S$72  
 10kg  S$127  


About Farmer


South-Uonuma, Niigata/ Mr Okubo

South-Uonuma is very well known as best rice farm in Japan.

In South_Uonuma Well known farmer, Mr. Okubo making Good taste rice with environment friendly farm.

Staff Review

Best of Best in Japan.
Good texture as top grade rice


Other Item

  • b komeRice
  • b komeSeasoning
  • b komeSeasoning


How to choose rice

For a table

sec2 p1

It features the deliciousness of rice grains that are cooked plumply.

We provide "safe and stable deliciousness" for everyday meals.


Hokkaido Yumepirika

You can choose the polishing rate and weight of your rice. Please choose the polishing rate of your rice from the dropdown menu below.
・White rice
・70% polished away
・50% polished away
・Brown ricePlease choose the weight of your rice from the dropdown menu below.
・2kg: $27
・5kg: $64
・10kg: $119


Niigata Koshihikari

You can choose the polishing rate and weight of your rice. Please choose the polishing rate of your rice from the dropdown menu below.
・White rice
・70% polished away
・50% polished away
・Brown ricePlease choose the weight of your rice from the dropdown menu below.
・2kg: $18
・5kg: $44
・10kg: $85